Brian & Monica Mortensen

Saturday, March 26, 2016

I'm back!

After a year and a half of ignoring my blog, I decided it was time to come back! Well, I was actually forced to come back and write about our family. The other day while I was doing Sofia's hair for school she asked about our blog. Uhhhhh, I haven't "touched" our blog in a long time. She begged me to please blog about her and her siblings. She loves looking back at old pictures, she loves to read stories about them. She said the words "it's not fair for my siblings to not have a story of their childhood." I felt so bad because she was right. I overgram my kids on social media, especially on Instagram and it's time to write the stories behind their pictures. Hazel and Ryker are in such a fun age they are learning and growing so fast, I want to remember it all. I want to look back and cry about these fun days with them. I want to show them how happy they make me. Thank you Sofia for begging about our blog, here's to hoping I stick to it and blog about all our adventures together.

So with all that being said, here's an updated (NOV 2015) family picture of us.

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